How qualitative methods can enhance your research


In this Grand Rounds, Danya and Lynn will show you the different ways that adding qualitative research methods to your project can benefit your research. They will describe different qualitative and mixed method approaches, and guest appearances by RCH and MCRI researchers will provide concrete examples of studies that have been enhanced using these methods. They will also show you step by step how to design a well-rounded project that incorporates qualitative methods.



Prof Lynn Gillam is an experienced clinical ethicist, originally trained in philosophy (MA, Oxon, as a Rhodes Scholar) and bioethics (PhD).  Lynn is the Academic Director of the Children’s Bioethics Centre at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne. She is also Professor in Health Ethics at the University of Melbourne, in the Department of Paediatrics. In her research, Lynn uses qualitative methods to enhance understanding of ethical aspects of child and adolescent health care. Lynn has been teaching qualitative research methods for 20 years.


Dr. Danya Vears is a Principal Research Fellow and Team Leader at the Biomedical Ethics Research Group, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. Danya is a social scientist with a genetic counselling background who uses both empirical and theoretical methodologies to explore the practical, social, and ethical issues relating to the use of genomics in both clinical and research settings. Danya has been using qualitative research methods for 13 years and has been a member of the Qualitative Research Community of Practice Steering Group at MCRI since 2018.

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