reNEW: Transforming lives with stem cell medicine


The Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF) Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW, is an international collaboration between the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Australia, and Leiden University Medical Center in The Netherlands with a vision to create a new generation of effective, safe, and socially sustainable stem cell-based therapies. This new consortium has been made possible through a record stem cell medicine grant of EUR$300 million over 10 years from the NNF, and has placed Victoria on the international stage for regenerative medicine. It is expected to stimulate a new wave of global investment in stem cell medicine and technologies, creating highly skilled jobs in this advancing medical field.

Scientific advances now allow researchers to identify, isolate and engineer stem cells. reNEW aims to deliver treatment outcomes across the breadth of stem cell medicine – new drugs based on human stem cell models, new tissue therapies, and new cell and gene therapies. We look forward to presenting how stem cell medicine and reNEW are advancing treatments for delivery into the clinic across many currently untreatable diseases.



Professor Melissa Little is the reNEW Global CEO and MCRI Chief Scientist.

Professor Enzo Porrello is the reNEW Melbourne Node Director and MCRI Stem Cell Medicine Theme Director.

Associate Professor Rachel Conyers is a Clinician Scientist trained in Paediatric Oncology with specialisation in leukaemia, lymphoma and bone marrow transplantation.

Professor Megan Munsie is the MCRI Group Leader for Stem Cell Ethics and Policy.

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