Medicines for ADHD: They work, but are they safe?


Meta-analyses show that medication is an effective treatment pathway in children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD. These medications are also commonly associated with a number of side effects and risk factors for other conditions, which are less well understood by practitioners. This Grand Round intends to balance understanding of the efficacy of ADHD medication with the potential risks, and provide evidence for the safety of ADHD medication prescription in clinical practice.



Professor Dave Coghill holds the Financial Markets Foundation Chair of Developmental Mental Health position at the Department of Paediatrics in the University of Melbourne. Previously, he served as a child and adolescent psychiatry professor at the University of Dundee. His primary research objective revolves around enhancing our understanding of mental health in children and adolescents. Professor Coghill has made notable contributions by establishing robust clinical pathways that facilitate the swift integration of research findings into regular clinical practice. His clinical duties are divided between two prominent institutions: the Royal Children’s Hospital and Orygen Youth Health.

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