Design for Health Equity: Lessons from health literacy


Paediatric Academy and Centre for Digital Transformation of Health



This Grand Round will consider how human-centered design, applied to the health system and informed by a health-literacy framework, may help advance health equity.  We will review evidence that includes inter-disciplinary scholarship (e.g., behavioral science, computer science, clinical epidemiology) in the areas of obesity prevention, promoting school readiness, chronic-illness management and the care of children with special health care needs. We will consider the application of new artificial intelligence tools, such as human-computer interaction and computer vision, to achieve these ends. Finally, we will discuss a vision and infrastructure for a “Health Equity Action in Research Design” (HEARD) Collective, which will bring together rigorous research, health-system leaders and “patients as co-designers” to create, implement and test new solutions that aim to address intransigent health inequities.



Dr Lee Sanders is a general paediatrician and Professor of Pediatrics at the Stanford University School of Medicine, where he is Chief of the Division of General Pediatrics. He holds joint appointments in the Department of Health Policy, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health and the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Students. Dr Sanders teaches in the Human Biology Program and at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (Stanford d.School).

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