Finding a way through the challenges and turmoil of the experience of sibling sexual abuse: How hope can help



Sibling sexual abuse is 3-5 times more common than father/step-father abuse. This study looked past the factors that might contribute to the occurrence of sibling sexual abuse with the aim of better understanding the experience of therapists working with families with such experience and collaboratively developing principles to guide practice in this complex area of child sexual abuse. In this presentation factors that help support family engagement, facilitate recovery and assist therapists to undertake will be outlined. In particular, the concept of hope and its role in supporting the therapeutic journey will be discussed.



Dr Helen Kambouridis is the senior psychologist and the Research and Development Program leader at the Gatehouse Centre for the Assessment & Treatment of Child Abuse. She has worked in the field of child sexual abuse for 27 years and her PhD developed principles of practice for therapists in the sexual assault sector working with families who have experienced sibling sexual abuse.

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