Deciding with children – ethically ideal, but not always straightforward


In this interactive and case-based session, the Children’s Bioethics Centre team will introduce the ethical idea of deciding with children, rather than ‘for’ them. We will briefly describe the ethical foundations of this idea, discuss what it means in practice, and why it matters. Then, drawing on a number of case examples, we will consider two types of situations in which involving children and young people in decision-making about their care – the familiar challenge of the child who speaks up and says no; and the less well-recognised challenge of the child or young person who is silent, or silenced.



Professor John Massie is a consultant respiratory physician at The Royal Children’s Hospital, and Clinical Lead of the Children’s Bioethics Centre.

Professor Clare Delany is a clinical ethicist at the Children’s Bioethics Centre and health professional educator in the Department of Medical Education at the University of Melbourne.

Professor Lynn Gillam is a clinical ethicist at RCH, and Academic Director of the Children’s Bioethics Centre.

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