International Women’s Day 2024: Count her in: Invest in women. Accelerate progress.


Please join us for a thought-provoking International Women’s Day (IWD) Grand Round panel discussion with four exceptional women. As we continue to strive for gender equality and economic empowerment for women and girls, we will explore how best to invest in women and promote women in leadership, taking into account the impacts of the pandemic, with a focus on storytelling and learning from each other.



Dr. Ranjana Srivastava is a geriatric oncologist, Fulbright scholar and award-winning author of several books. She is the recipient of the Medal of the Order of Australia for her contribution to doctor-patient communication.  For the last 11 years, she has been a regular columnist for The Guardian on the intersection of medicine and humanity and is a two-time finalist for The Walkley Award for Excellence in Journalism. Ranjana has a fellowship in medical ethics from the University of Chicago and a Master in Public Administration degree from the Harvard Kennedy School. Most importantly, she is the mother of three teenagers and a toddler dog.

Dr Jenny O’Neill is a Clinical Nurse Consultant in Nursing Research and in Bioethics at The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH) and an Honorary Fellow of the University of Melbourne. She has had a variety of paediatric nursing roles across RCH included 10 years as a Clinical Nurse Consultant in Neurodevelopment and Disability. She completed a PhD in 2020 and has complete a Masters in Bioethics. Jenny’s research interests include health equity for young people with disabilities, ethical aspects of procedural holding, and family centred care.

May Low is a Senior Legal Counsel in the RCH Legal Services department. Before starting at the RCH in 2022, May worked across several industries – as a solicitor-advocate in community legal organisations (including in family violence matters), as an in-house lawyer at a national agribusiness and as the Head of Legal for the City Football Group in Australia and China. Outside of work, May spends her time with her young family and volunteers as Company Secretary of the Social Enterprise Network of Victoria.

Associate Professor Jenny Hynson is Head of the Victorian Paediatric Palliative Care Program, a state-wide service for children with palliative care needs based at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. Jenny helped establish and grow the service and has over 23 years’ experience in providing children’s palliative care. She has a PhD in the area and has contributed to major texts and peer reviewed journal publications. Jenny has represented the needs of children on numerous local and national committees.



Professor Margie Danchin is a is a paediatrician, Department of General Medicine, The Royal Children’s Hospital and Clinician Scientist, University of Melbourne, and Murdoch Childrens Research Institute (MCRI). She is a vaccinologist and leader of the Vaccine Uptake Group, MCRI, member of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) and Director of Clinician Scientist pathways, Melbourne Medical School, with a passion for supporting women in leadership and effective science communication in the media.

Dr Lexi Frydenberg is a General Paediatrician and Director of Education, Department of General Medicine RCH. She is codirector and clinician at Victorian Childrens clinic and is Child Health Advisor to VicHealth. She is passionate about Health communication and messaging and collaborates with several organisations to do this through writing, podcasting and traditional media.


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