The Cancer Flagship at MCRI – Driving innovations in diagnosis, therapy and survivorship for children with cancer


After completing a comprehensive process, including stakeholder engagement and workshops, the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute has established a Cancer Flagship to bring together child health researchers across multiple disciplines interested and invested in childhood cancer across the research continuum. The Cancer Flagship’s collective goals are toward accurate and timely cancer diagnosis; better, more precise and safer therapies; and improved patient outcomes, including the quality of survivorship. The Cancer Flagship has six research pillars: (1) Molecular Genomics & Cancer Biology; (2) Pharmacogenomics & Radiogenomics; (3) Advanced Therapies; (4) Clinical Trials; (5) Survivorship & Supportive Care; and (6) Global Paediatric Oncology. The presentation today will focus on Clinical Trials, Pharmacogenomics and Survivorship children’s cancer research underway at the Melbourne Children’s Campus.



Professor David Eisenstat is Director, Children’s Cancer Centre (CCC), RCH; Group Leader, Neuro-Oncology, Stem Cell Medicine and Lead, Cancer Flagship, MCRI.

Dr Marty Campbell is Medical Director, Clinical Trial Unit, CCC; Stream Lead, Solid/CNS Tumours, CCC; Lead, Clinical Trials, Cancer Flagship, MCRI.

Associate Professor Rachel Conyers is Stream Lead, Malignant Bone Marrow Transplantation, CCC; Team Leader, Pharmacogenomics, Heart Disease Research Group, Stem Cell Medicine and Lead, Pharmacogenomics, Cancer Flagship, MCRI.

Associate Professor Maria McCarthy is Team Leader, Brain and Mind and Lead, Survivorship, Cancer Flagship, MCRI.

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