Embedding trauma informed, family centred, and evidence-based approaches into practice: What’s next for the Campus Mental Health Strategy?


The Grand Rounds will explore:

  • Bringing the voice of the child and family into our day-to-day interactions, and the importance of lived experience perspectives when designing new approaches to support mental health and wellbeing.
  • Some of the evidence-based resources being developed to improve care for children experiencing common mental health conditions, andwhat we are learning as we test the introduction of patient reported outcome measures for anxiety into routine care.
  • Why we are focussing on trauma-informed preventative care, what this looks like in a paediatric hospital setting, and how we are working with colleagues across campus to develop a shared language and understanding around trauma and trauma informed care.
  • The importance of family centred approachesand why supporting the wellbeing of parents, carers and siblings is key to optimising care for children.



Associate Professor Tom Connell is Executive Director Medical Services and Chief Medical Officer, RCH. Tom provides leadership for the Medical Workforce Unit, Senior Medical Staff, Research operations and Medical Education at the RCH. He is also an honorary Principal Fellow within The University of Melbourne, Department of Paediatrics. Tom sits on the Campus Mental Health Strategy Steering Committee.

Lisa Corrigan is Campus Mental Health Strategy Lived Experience Advisor. Lisa has a background in executive level corporate communications and public affairs, and is currently a strategy executive at Corrigan’s Produce Farms, her family’s farming business. Lisa cares for her daughter who has a mental health condition and is a 12-year veteran of the mental health system. In addition to her advisory role on the Campus Mental Health Strategy, Lisa serves as a member of Beyond Blue’s Portfolio Review Council.

Associate Professor Gehan Roberts is Associate Director (Clinical Services), Centre for Community Child Health. Gehan is a developmental-behavioural paediatrician and the immediate past President of the Neurodevelopmental and Behavioural Paediatric Society of Australasia. Gehan holds appointments with RCH, MCRI and the University of Melbourne, coordinates the Victorian Training Program in Community Child Health, and is engaged in research, clinical supervision and teaching at both an undergraduate and post-graduate level. Gehan sits on the Campus Mental Health Strategy Steering Committee and is involved in several Strategy projects.

Kelly Light is a Clinical Nurse Educator, RCH and Senior Project Officer for Trauma Informed Preventative Care in the Campus Mental Health Strategy team. Kelly has been working at RCH since 2007 and currently supports nursing education and development in the Wallaby ward, Complex Care Hub, Day Medical Unit, Day Cancer Centre, and Specialist Clinics. Kelly was recently awarded the Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Nursing Development Scholarship to develop trauma-informed care in Ambulatory Care settings.

Sarah Connolly is Interim Director of Allied Health, RCH. Sarah has been Manager of Social Work at the RCH since 2014 and is currently interim Director of Allied Health. Sarah holds honorary appointments with the School of Social Work and the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Melbourne. Sarah is co-lead advisor for the family centred care stream of the Campus Mental Health Strategy.

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