Lessons learned from the review of child deaths in Victoria in 2021


The independent Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity (CCOPMM) reviews cases of maternal, perinatal, and paediatric mortality and morbidity. Child deaths have been reviewed since 1985. The child and adolescent subcommittee of CCOPMM reviews deaths and develops recommendations and good practice points for practitioners and health systems.

An annual report is released which summarises the deaths and details the recommendations and good practice points made by CCOPMM.  This presentation will outline child deaths occurring in Victoria in 2021, and the recommendations and good practice points made by the subcommittee.



Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor Robert Roseby is a respiratory paediatrician, and Head of Medical Specialties and Postgraduate Medical Education at Monash Children’s Hospital. Rob chairs the Child and Adolescent subcommittee of CCOPMM. He previously held roles as deputy director of Adolescent Medicine at The Royal Childrens Hospital from 2009-2012 and Head of Paediatrics at Alice Springs Hospital 2003-2009. Rob co-chaired a 2009-10 inquiry into the Northern Territory Child Protection System, and is currently a community member of the Coronial Council of Victoria.

Dr Sophie Treleaven is a paediatrician and public health physician. She is a senior clinical adviser to CCOPMM in the child and adolescent area, having worked on the reviews of child deaths at CCOPMM since 2004.  Sophie is a member of the Child and Adolescent and Neonatal subcommittees of CCOPMM.  She also works at Monash Children’s Hospital as an outpatient paediatrician, and during the COVID pandemic was a public health physician at the North-East Public Health Unit (NEPHU).


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