Reddihough Symposium: Disability care in 2023



What does disability care for children and young people look like in 2023, and what could it be like in the future?  In 2023 it is more holistic, more funded, more early intervention, more complex, and more positive for children and their families. Dr Gordon Baikie will give an update and discussion of key changes in disability care. Dr Monica Cooper will discuss genomics and cerebral palsy. Adele Rullo will discuss early childhood intervention, and Dr Kate Milner will present on systems thinking for children with disability.  We will conclude by looking to the future and the potential for change and improvement of care.



Dr Gordon Baikie is a Paediatrician and Director of Neurodevelopment and Disability. He has worked with children with disabilities for over 25 years with particular interest in Respiratory comorbidities in Cerebral palsy, Rett syndrome and Health Economics.

Dr Monica Cooper is a General Paediatrician in the Department of Neurodevelopment & Disability. Monica was the lead author for the AACPDM care pathway for respiratory health in cerebral palsy and has recently completed a PhD on the epilepsies of cerebral palsy.

Adele Rullo is an Occupational Therapist and the Manager of the Early Childhood Intervention Service at RCH. Adele is deeply committed to empowering partnerships and authentic engagement with families in all aspects of professional practice, service delivery and research. Adele has worked with children with developmental concerns and neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families for 13 years.

Dr Kate Milner is a Paediatrician with the Department of Neurodevelopment & Disability and MCRI Clinician Scientist Fellow. She also works as a consultant for the WHO Brain Health Unit and is a member of the International Paediatric Association Working Group on Children & Disabilities. She is a founding member of the unofficial RCH Pelicans Open Water Swim group.

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