Healthy Trajectories: A Child and Youth Disability Research Hub


Australia’s Disability Strategy, the review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and the Disability Royal Commission demonstrate a growing government and societal investment in seeking better outcomes for people living with disability in Australia. In this grand round we describe the activities and opportunities afforded by our Healthy Trajectories Child and Youth Disability Research Hub, which is a Melbourne Children’s Campus initiative.

Our Healthy Trajectories research is done in partnership with consumers, clinicians, and researchers with diverse disciplinary expertise. Our goal is to contribute evidence to rapidly improve the health, wellbeing, and participation of those with child-onset disability and their families. We will only be able to ensure that people with disability can participate as equal members of society if we collaborate effectively across disciplines and sectors: we invite your involvement.



Professor Christine Imms is the Apex Australia Foundation Chair of Neurodevelopment and Disability at the University of Melbourne and The Royal Children’s Hospital and holds an honorary role at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute. She is an occupational therapist, academic and researcher with a passion for collaborating with children, youth and families as research partners to address questions related to optimising participation in valued life situations for all. In 2021, Christine became Founding Director of the Healthy Trajectories Child and Youth Disability Research Hub on the Melbourne Children’s Campus.

Ms Sevastine Katsakis is the Consumer Engagement Officer for Healthy Trajectories who brings her background in counselling, her lived experience of cerebral palsy, and a deep understanding of disability to connect and empathise with young people and their families.  In her role, Sevastine coordinates and enables advisory committees and collaboration between young people with disability and research teams to maximise outcomes for people with disability and their families. She ensures that consumers are well-supported in their partnership with Healthy Trajectories, to add their voice and influence the direction and use of research.

Ms Georgie Rose is the Healthy Trajectories Research Coordinator who has a background in physiotherapy, research and project management and enjoys the opportunity to use these skills in her role as Healthy Trajectories Coordinator and Project Manager of some of the team’s research studies. Georgie is driven by a desire to minimise the impact that health conditions have on a person’s ability to participate fully in all aspects of life. Georgie was drawn to the research of Healthy Trajectories because of the focus on partnering with and learning from those with lived experience of disability.

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