Let no pandemic go to waste: How the COVID crisis could lead to better health care delivery


The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing us to re-organize and re-conceptualize many aspects of our lives.  In this Grand Round, I will start with some general thoughts about these changes.  Then, I will focus specifically on the challenges that the pandemic creates for the way that we oversee and regulate clinical research.   I will speculate about whether some of these changes represent a better way of doing things and thus ought to change the way we practice after the pandemic.



John Lantos, MD, is Professor of Pediatrics at University of Missouri – Kansas City and the founding director of the Children’s Mercy Hospital Bioethics Center.   Prior to moving to Kansas City, he was Chief of General Pediatrics and Associate Director of the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at The University of Chicago.

He served as an advisor to President Bush’s Council on Bioethics and President Clinton’s Health Reform Task Force.  He is a past president of the American Society of Bioethics and Humanities.  He has discussed designer babies on Larry King Live and medical errors on Oprah.

He has published hundreds of peer-reviewed articles and many books, including The Lazarus CaseNeonatal Bioethics, and Do We Still Need Doctors?  His most recent book, Ethics Rounds, presents and analyzes dozens of cases in clinical and research ethics.

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