Celebrating International Day of People with Disability: Partnering in research

Healthy Trajectories is proud to bring a celebration of the International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) to Grand Rounds at The Royal Children’s Hospital. In line with our vision for an inclusive Australia, we will share what we and others around the Campus have been doing to authentically involve young people growing up with a disability, and their families, as partners in research.

Oxygen in the 21st century – 10 things you don’t know about a medicine we take for granted

Medical oxygen has been around for more than 200 years. It is a life-saving treatment we take for granted. Sadly this is not the case globally. The COVID-19 pandemic brought to the surface long-standing deficiencies. Images of patients gasping for oxygen reminded us that even today, 70% of patients who need oxygen globally do not receive it. How do we understand the different facets of this problem, and what can we do about it?

BabyScreen+ Project: Newborn genomic screening for treatable genetic disorders

Rare diseases are a leading cause of infant mortality and lifelong disability in high income countries. Incorporating genomic sequencing into newborn screening programs raises the prospect of being able to detect hundreds of early-onset, severe, but treatable genetic conditions at birth, potentially improving clinical outcomes, with genomic data stored to benefit health over lifetime and support further research

Allied Health: Building capacity and changing lives

Allied Health Professions Day is recognised internationally on the 14th October. To celebrate, this Grand Round will showcase the great work of our RCH Allied health teams. The Executive Director of Ambulatory Services and Chief Allied Health Officer Doug McCaskie will commence proceedings, followed by a panel of Allied health clinicians who will showcase how their current work builds capacity and changes the lives of our patients, their families and the community.

The Victorian Paediatric Clinical Network – A Phoenix Rises

The Victorian Paediatric Clinical Network (VPCN) was formed in 2009 and has been through several iterations, before being closed by Safer Care Victoria at the end of 2022. In 2023 it was reformed by the paediatric sector in recognition of the significant role a clinical network has in improving the care of children across the State.

Vernon Collins Oration: “The power of paediatrics to address child health inequity within a generation: reality or fantasy?”

There has never been a better time for children in the Australian policy world, with portfolios like health, social services, education, disability and treasury all sounding the importance of children for the nation’s wellbeing and growth. At the same time, almost every child health and developmental metric shows stable or growing inequities –preventable inequalities due to social, geographic or economic circumstances. What would it take to change the trajectory of Australia’s children and is it even possible?

Towards National Paediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines

Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are intended to improve the quality of clinical care by promoting evidence- based care, reducing inappropriate variation, and producing optimal outcomes for patients. CPGs have been developed at RCH since 1996. These CPGs were focussed on practice at RCH until 2011, when many were adapted for use across Victoria.

Early Births in Australia: Potential Implications for Child Health

The gestational age at birth in Australia has slowly but steadily declined over the past 30 years, mainly due to increase in planned births (caesarian sections, inductions of labor). The effects of this decline in gestational age to child health are evident at many levels – intensive care, paediatric care, community, and school.